What’s Next in Buzzy Beverages?

Muhammad Yasir
3 min readApr 14, 2022

Cannabis-infused drinks are the newest thing in beverage innovation. Why? Beverage historians, strap in.

Over the last 15 years, there has been a seismic shift in consumer purchasing trends. Americans originally transitioned from their conventional lagers, opting to support small local breweries with their distinctive brews.

The innovation continued with the hard seltzer craze, as breweries looked to increase revenue by better utilizing their infrastructure. For example, a lager typically spends over a month in a brite tank. But a brewery can produce a seltzer in a couple days (or instantaneously with in-line carbonation). It also doesn’t hurt that many taste like candy.

These trends have been popular long enough that Millennials and Gen Z alike now come to expect a dessert in a can. Can we go back to the days of shelves stocked primarily with indistinguishable boring beers? Probably not. But one can reminisce.

What’s next?

As the Millennial and Gen Z demographics settle into careers and have additional spending power, they will play an increasingly larger role in driving how beverage businesses cater to their needs. Further, the average attention span is shorter (most under 30 probably haven’t read this far). That means boredom happens quicker and trends accelerate. Brewing things simply because that’s how they’ve always been done is no longer a viable answer. Beverage companies that understand that will thrive, while others will become relics. The observations above lead this writer to believe that craft beers and seltzers aren’t the end of the road for beverage innovation.

A recent Gallup report examined ‘How Millennials Want to Work and Live’ and emphasized that, as consumers, Millennials discard the status quo and seek out new experiences. It illustrated that a young professional would rather migrate to the lobby of a hotel to access free WiFi. But conversely, they will spend the better part of a paycheck on a distinctive dinner experience. Millennials’ desire for stimulating experiences are driving brands, and even industries, to change.

You can only make an IPA so many ways — or make a light beer, lighter. That’s boring. So let’s look at an experience previously hasn’t been on the table? Cannabis.

Sure, most of the population will avoid smoking it for a litany of reasons. Another subset won’t eat edibles because, it’s a real time commitment. Unlike TikTok, it could take over an hour to get any discernible entertainment. But there’s a new trend. Drinks.

A cannabis drink parallels the quicker effect of a beer or wine. But it drops the hangover. My favorite type even has the added benefit of zero calories. Observing the drink from the unprejudiced lens of a Millennial — why wouldn’t you give it a shot. It provides the consumer a novel experience, without the calories or hangover that is conventionally associated with its booze counterpart.

But don’t take my word for it. Let’s look at states that have enacted recreational cannabis laws. How many have decided that the newfound tax revenue or personal liberties of its citizens was a big mistake and recriminalized? How do those sales compare with conventional alcohol? You probably guessed it.

Unfortunately, this author isn’t in one of those states that allows recreational marijuana. Objectively, what makes a Michigander (real term, look it up) more responsible than me? Despite my regulatory backwater, imagine my delight when I came across a hemp-derived alternative that could be delivered to my house. Imagine my defiant pleasure when I received my first federally-compliant shipment of THC. The Floral THC Seltzers have quickly become a mainstay in my pantry. In typical Millennial fashion, I’m happy to shell out money for a new experience. And there’s others like me.

Good products find their way to market. In this author’s opinion, I’d reach for the product that didn’t add calories and give me a morning after headache seven days a week. Only time will tell if my crystal ball is right in spotting the next beverage trend.

As warmer weather approaches, go find yourself a cannabis beverage. I think you’ll find their crisp taste is a perfect rebellious remedy for a hot summer day.



Muhammad Yasir

Freelancer at Upwork and Fiverr. Writer, SEO, Canva and SMM